Flirting with nostalgia

Bent Grass Golf approached me to design an identity for their startup that focuses on helping to build and strengthen local golf communities by removing all of the mainstream equipment logos from golf apparel and providing apparel with illustrated icons that represented your city. Their inspiration revolved around other golf culture apparel companies, but also logos from golf courses they resonated with. From the creative brief “Bent Grass Golf needs to look and feel nostalgic, timeless, proud, competitive, and active. Design must be new and unique, but give a sense of familiarity at the same time.” We aimed to hit on all of those aspects and landed on a primary and secondary design in a colorway that reminds you of the golf you know, but feels modern. With a slight changed of saturation in the colors, we hit the mark we were looking for.

branding • logo • identity • illustration

Initial designs

Final designs


Wider Circle Branding


Rev1 Ventures Impact Report | 2020